End of Summer Pool Party with the #rbpinfluencer team | Los Angeles Senior Portrait Photographer



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Oh, summer of 2019, we are sad to see you go!!

Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already time to head back to school for most of us!  I personally don’t think we get enough summer … but hey, we try and soak up what we can!

A couple of weeks ago, I shot a super fun End of Summer Pool Party with some of the members of my level one influencer team and I’m so excited to share them with you all!  I nearly died of heat stroke taking these! 

Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com

I like to maximize the shooting time that I have, so we also collaborated with my favorite local boutique – H.e.r. for some fun images before we got in the pool!  I had this idea of doing something colorful and fun, with that summer vibe, so I decided to bring out the orange backrop!

We set it up outside so I could use the natural light because I had a very specific “look” that I wanted to achieve with these….very colorful but also with a deeper tone.  Most of my work has that hint of film, so it’s not far off from what I normally do, but that’s what is so great about doing these shoots with my team – I get to experiment and have fun creatively!  

Jami enjoys that aspect of it as well, and when I told her about my vision for these, she of course took that and just ran with it for the makeup look.  We wanted a mostly natural look for these first shots and then a bold, neon lip for the pool shots – which is really popular right now.  She always does such an amazing job getting my team to look and feel amazing – what she does is such an integral part of what I do….which is why I have included professional makeup inside ALL my senior sessions from the very beginning of my biz!

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Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com

The girls loved being able to collaborate with H.e.r. and we are planning a LOT more with them this year!  I’m working on something right now with them that will give my level one girls even more opportunities to collab with them and step more into the influencer world … can’t say much about it yet, but I’m super excited and can’t wait to share that soon!

After we shot these individual images, we moved on to the pool!  My intention with these was to get mostly group shots, but we did end up grabbing some really killer individual images of the girls at the end; this is one of the reasons I love working with a smaller group of girls for some of these shoots – I have more time to be creative and get lots and lots of images!

You might have noticed that I run my model (influencer) teams differently than most other senior photographers.  (I’ve always done things a little different across the board.)  I prefer to offer a smaller, more meaningful experience to my team, so I sign them up in January and plan a full year of extra shoots … I don’t sign up girls year round and I only take on a limited amount so I can make sure I have the time to really create an incredible experience for them.

Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com

And because I LOVE the message and vision of  The Big Love Ball, I wanted to incorporate it somehow into our shoot.  The girls and I tossed around ideas and we came up with a couple of fun options .. I love all these images so much!

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how gorgeous are these girls?!!!

Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com

I mean, seriously?

LOVE these amazing, smart and funny as hell girls (and their moms too – they came to help and we had way too much fun) .  Amanda, Izzy, Jackie and Julia – you guys were such troopers!  And thanks to Amanda and her Mom Stacy for letting us shoot this in their amazing back yard pool!  We were missing two of my level one girls but hopefully they can all make it for our next shoot together (hint: Fall!)

Here’s the rest of my faves from this fun day! 

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Now, as much as I love summer and this session – and these girls – I for one am SO EXCITED about FALL!!!! It’s my favorite time of year, by far.  Not only is it my birthday time (where are all my fellow Virgos?!!), but the smell of school supplies and the eventual chill in the air (we won’t get that till late October here in SoCal though), fire pits in the evenings and just the general vibe of September through early November is just soooo….. me!

It also tends to be my busiest time for senior portraits as well – and before we know it, Christmas will be here.  I KNOW … I’m annoying, but it’s true, y’all!  I’ll be releasing my 2019 Family Mini Sessions SOON so make sure you get on my list if you want that info first!

I’ve already got a ridiculous amount of 2020 Seniors on my books over the next several months and that’s always a good thing.  Watch the blog because I’ll be sharing all my influencer team sessions here, as well as lots of tips and info for my senior photographer friends!  

Senior Portraits By Renee Bowen Copyright https://reneebowen.com
Are YOU a Class of 2020 Senior?  I have a pretty packed schedule but I can probably find a date or two to fit you in!  Don’t be shy – reach out and let me know because I would love to shoot your senior portrait session.  You might be thinking you don’t have time, or the investment …. but here’s the thing – nobody ever regretted having their senior pics done with me – like ever.  Truly!  And, I’m more than happy to work with you on a session so that it makes sense for you financially – please reach out if you have any questions because my most favorite thing in the world is to help teenagers feel beautiful, valuable and happy.  
Let’s see what we can do for YOU!

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