Happy Monday! I’m super excited to introduce you all to Nicole – another one of my Class of 2022 Influencers!
Nicole is super fun to shoot with – she’s got this natural, easy-going style and is really at home in front of the camera. We stayed local for her senior session and she opted for a really cute spot that I love and have been shooting at a LOT lately! It’s a tad off the beaten path but one of those really fun, hidden spots that just photographs so well.
It was pretty overcast on the day we shot, which isn’t the “norm” here in SoCal, but it’s a nice change from the oppressive heat we normally get lol! I definitely used my Profoto A1x for some of these and I’m really happy I have the option for a small, easy-to-carry OCF for situations like this!
Side note: I cannot believe it is already November …. I know most of us are not unhappy to see 2021 go, but holy moly this year went by quick!
I’m already pretty booked for the last part of 2021, but I could squeeze in a couple of seniors if need be 😜 but lmk asap if you’re interested because they’ll go quick.
Class of 2022, get on my calendar for January – March so we can get YOU some great senior pics! I know most of you are just over senior year at this point and ready to move on to that next part of your journey, but it’s so important to capture this time … it’ll fly by! Moms, trust me – you want to document this!
Fill out the form below or email me for info on sessions – most of my sessions come with the option for an additional cap and gown mini that we shoot right before graduation so you get a little something extra!
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