renee bowen


5 Reasons Creative Entrepreneurs Hit a Rut {podcast}



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Ohhhhh this week’s episode of Tried & True With a Dash of Woo is a gooooood one, y’all!  Especially if you’re a creative entrepreneur in a rut, but even if you haven’t experienced this yet, this episode is chock full of tips on how to move through some uncomfortable entrepreneurial roadblocks.  Save this for later!

The Unspoken Reality: Burnout

Burnout isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a reality many of us face. Remember those days when you felt like a kid, free and full of possibility? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, in a creative rut, and just overall done, it might be time to revisit that childlike wonder. Instead of pushing harder, consider doing less. Embrace the freedom, take a step back, and rediscover the joy in your craft.

Imposter Syndrome: The Silent Dream Killer

We’ve all been there, questioning our worth and wondering if we’re good enough. But here’s a secret: those limiting beliefs running on a loop in your mind? They’re just old movies from the past. Visualize walking into that mental movie theater, turning off the projector, and cutting away those outdated beliefs. Replace them with empowering affirmations and watch your confidence soar.

The Clarity Crisis: Finding Your ‘Why’

In a world saturated with content, it’s easy to lose sight of our purpose. But your ‘why’ is the compass that guides you. It’s not just about business; it’s about who you are at your core. Dive deep, ask yourself what you stand for, and let that purpose ooze out of you. When you’re aligned with your true purpose, everything else falls into place.  Pssst … this is the very first step in my coaching program because it is essential for you to know this before you market your business.

Physical & Mental Well-being: The Foundation of Creativity

Feeling uninspired and in a creative rut might not just be a mental block; there could be a physical reason behind it. If you’re facing health issues, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being. Remember, you deserve to feel good and be happy. Seek help if needed and ensure you’re in the best shape, both mentally and physically, to let your creativity flow. I walk you through my own journey this last year in losing 60 lbs and how that has had a tremendously positive effect on my life and business. We only get ONE body!

The Passion Puzzle: Is It Time for a Change?

It might be controversial, but sometimes, the reason for feeling stuck is simple: maybe you don’t want to do it anymore. And that’s okay! Embrace the uncertainty, explore new avenues, and remember that it’s never too late to pivot or try something new. After all, as creative entrepreneurs, reinvention is in our DNA.  You got this!

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode and make sure you hit that button at the top to rate and leave us a review!!

If you’d like to be a guest on the show, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you 🙂 xo, Renee


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