Mid-Year Review for Creative Entrepreneurs {podcast}



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Most of us creative entrepreneurs skid into the end of the year frazzled and burnt the EFF out. I don’t want that to happen to you (again) so I dedicated this podcast episode to getting you 100% focused on your future – by looking BACK.  It’s mid-year review time!

Why is a mid-year review important? 

I believe it’s important for lots of reasons, but mainly for the one I outlined above – to save you from the stress of what is coming for most of us in Fall and Winter. You KNOW how crazy Fall gets leading into Q4!  Now is the time to reflect and evaluate.

Looking back gives you fantastic data to pull from so that you can project forward. You need to know where you are going in order to get there, so yes – goals are important. But most of us creatives tend to fly by the seat of our pants and just wing it (you know you’ve been there; maybe you’re still there).

Most importantly, doing a mid-year review gives you clarity, which in turn gives you PEACE.  You know I want you to have a regulated nervous system!  It’s the golden key to life and this is another tool in your arsenal to achieve it.

What does a mid-year review include?

In order to get the best answers, we must be asking the best questions.  A good mid-year review looks like assessing what has been working, what hasn’t and what you WANT to include moving forward. The only way to do this is to truly LOOK at the data and to allow yourself the time and space to write it all down.

This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours on this – I know you don’t have time!  Trust me, I get it.  But I know you can carve out 30 minutes to an hour if you make this a priority. I have even made it easier than ever for you by giving you a pdf with all the right questions included!

Click HERE to grab it in case you missed the pop up that appeared when you arrived at this blog post.

What to remember when doing your mid-year review:

It’s important that you don’t judge yourself as you’re reflecting back on the last six months. It’s our nature to beat ourselves up when we see things we could have done better, but this is NOT the goal here. Try and practice being a neutral observer only and zoom way out to see the bigger picture. Learning to look at the data without blaming ourselves or others for the outcome is a great leadership skill.

After you’ve completed your mid-year review:

It’s time to project forward and make some goals that are in alignment with how you’d like your business to look by the end of this year.  You can project even further out but I find that six month incremental reviews are pretty doable for creative entrepreneurs. Once you get into the habit of this, you can even start doing these every quarter, but ease yourself into this and be careful not to create unrealistic expectations for yourself!

I hope you enjoy this episode and get tons of value from it! 

If you do, please let us know by writing a review HERE.  I’m so grateful for your listenership!

Until next time!

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