This is just…..such a special session. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing two of these beautiful Boggio sisters for their Senior Portraits (and headshots for another…..and I get the youngest one soon when SHE’S finally a high school senior!) So when their Mom Laura, amazing hair stylist extraordinaire and co-owner of Tranquility Salon asked me to photograph her family portraits … and told me that Chandler’s boyfriend Zach would be PROPOSING to her during the session, I nearly died from the excitement – and stress! LOL
I mean, I couldn’t mess this up – talk about pressure! I asked my friend Julie to second shoot for me (under the guise of “she’s getting behind the scenes shots of me shooting for my website”) so I could be sure and get ALL the reactions to, as well as the actual proposal.
So the session started off just as normal as most large, beautiful family sessions do…. with lots of group shots and fun
and then this happened……
meanwhile, the family is watching…..
so then we had to take some more photos of course 😉
What an amazing thing to be a part of!!! Thank you guys, for having me photograph this… wishes for a long, happy life together!!
xo, R
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