Holiday Inspired Concept Photo Shoot | Renee Bowen Photographer



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I have needed to do a FUN shoot for some time now…..Jami and I both have been dying to do something JUST for us — just for fun and to push ourselves creatively.  I got super inspired while at the flower mart in downtown LA and decided to create a massive Christmas themed flower crown.  I put a model call out hoping I’d get a redhead to model for me – and I did 🙂  Emily is only 16… but she is very mature for her age and literally transformed in front of the camera!!  She was so awesome to work with – Jami and I are obsessed with her amazing hair and could she be more beautiful?!!  OMG!

Collage 1


So – Emily is my “Spirit of Christmas Present” from the Christmas Carol …. a modern take on it.  She was such a trooper and dealt with 2+ hours of hair and makeup and then another hour and 1/2 of being wrapped in garland 😮

I shot these in my home studio – so NO natural light at all….wanted to step a little out of my box and do something more fashion/edgy/non-high school senior.  There’s a shot of my set-up in the collage of prep and bts shots below … I used 2 soft boxes and 2 ice lights and a reflector.

Collage 2 Collage 3 Collage 4

I didn’t have time to create an actual tutorial for the crown for you guys this time but you can kind of follow along in the shots and see what I did.  I added more to it once it was on her head……

Here are the final shots ::

The first ones were darker — I wanted to create a moody/dark feel with these….

Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present

(and yes, I added snow to some of these because I wanted to create that feel of the books and the movie….)

This is one of my faves:

Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


and then I wanted to get really bright and more fairy-like (because Emily is like….the perfect fairy!)

Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present


Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present

and my absolute favorite:

Renee Bowen Spirit of Christmas Present

I would love to hear your thoughts on these…. which ones do you like best?

and if you want to follow the behind the scenes of these shoots, you can find me on Snapchat at purtywun — come join the insanity!  As always, I’d love to hear your feeback.

Thank you, Emily for modeling for me and thank you Jami for amazing hair and makeup, as usual!!!

Hope you all have a very

Merry Christmas!!!

Read the Comments +

  1. Jenna Deason says:

    Your favorite is also my favorite, but they are all stunning! I love the concept, creativity and end result. I hope you continue to make time for “fun” shoots like this because they are a lovely inspiration!

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