renee bowen


Attracting Dream Clients with Nikki Nash {podcast}



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Attracting dream clients is the goal of any service-based business, and in this podcast episode, I had the pleasure of discussing this topic with Nikki Nash, a Hay House author, marketing strategist, and client enrollment expert. Nikki shared invaluable insights on how to seamlessly integrate marketing strategy with manifestation to draw in the clients you’ve always dreamed of working with. In this post, I’ll highlight some of the key takeaways from our conversation to help you on your journey to attracting dream clients.

quote card with a photo of a woman with short curly hair smiling and sitting down

The Power of Alignment in Marketing

Nikki emphasized the importance of aligning your marketing strategy with your true desires and strengths. Attracting dream clients isn’t just about executing a well-laid plan; it’s about creating a strategy that resonates with who you are and the lifestyle you want. When you align your marketing efforts with your natural talents and passions, you not only enjoy the process more but also become more magnetic to the clients who are the best fit for you. Remember, it’s not about doing everything; it’s about doing what feels right for you.

Consistency Over Rapid Strategy Switching

One of the biggest pitfalls Nikki identified in attracting dream clients is the tendency to switch strategies too frequently. The allure of new methods can be tempting, but true success comes from consistency. Nikki likened it to planting seeds—while you can try different approaches, it’s crucial to stick with one and give it time to grow. The key to attracting dream clients is to stay the course and trust the process, even when results aren’t immediate.

Engaging with Potential Clients

Building a relationship with potential clients is much like dating. Nikki explained the importance of engaging with your audience, not just being visible. Attracting dream clients involves nurturing these relationships through consistent and meaningful interactions. Whether it’s through social media, emails, or direct conversations, the goal is to create an environment where your ideal clients feel connected and compelled to take the next step with you.

Making the Offer

A critical part of attracting dream clients is making clear, confident offers. Nikki discussed the fear many creatives have around being too pushy, but she reframed this by reminding us that if you don’t make the offer, you’re doing a disservice to your potential clients. If you believe in the value of what you offer, you owe it to yourself and your clients to communicate that value effectively. Attracting dream clients requires not just creating amazing content but also confidently inviting people to work with you.

The Mindset of Attracting Dream Clients

Finally, Nikki highlighted the importance of mindset in attracting dream clients. She shared techniques like creating a “mind movie” to visualize success and maintaining an “effing fabulous list” to boost confidence. These tools help reinforce the belief that you are capable and deserving of the success you seek. Attracting dream clients isn’t just about external actions; it’s about cultivating the internal belief that you can and will succeed.

Listen or watch below on YouTube and let us know what you think of this episode of Tried & True With a Dash of Woo!

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