renee bowen


10 Must-Dos Before Your Senior Year Kicks Off



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As a senior photographer who’s been specializing in working with teenagers since 2007, I know just how hectic and exciting senior year can be. The summer before your senior year is the perfect time to get organized and make sure you’re ready to tackle the year ahead.

Here’s a checklist to help you start senior year on the right foot, with everything you need to think about before the school year gets crazy busy (which happens pretty quickly once school is back in session!)

Plan College Visits and Applications

Whether you’re looking at in-state or out-of-state options, now is the time to plan to visit colleges if you haven’t already. Start narrowing down your list and jotting down application deadlines. Trust me, this process gets overwhelming once school starts.  I signed my daughter up with a private college counselor so she would have someone other than me and the overworked, busy school counselor to help her and it made a big difference – highly recommend!

Finalize Your Class Schedule

Make sure you’ve got all your classes sorted out. Talk to your guidance counselor to ensure you’re on track to meet graduation requirements and get into the colleges you’re aiming for so you don’t have any surprises.

Schedule Your Senior Portraits

Let’s talk about one of the most exciting parts of senior year—your senior portraits! Summer and early fall are the best times to schedule your session. The weather is perfect, and the scenery is beautiful (even though it’s hot here in Santa Clarita, it’s always a good 20 degrees cooler closer to the beaches).

Plus, you don’t want to wait until everyone is scrambling for a spot. My calendar fills up fast, so let’s get you booked now to capture those stunning senior portraits before the rush hits. I specialize in customized senior portrait experiences; far more than just a basic shoot with some digital images that’ll live on your computer and never see the light of day. I want you to walk away from your senior session feeling amazing and confident, as well as with gorgeous albums and wall art featuring you.

Photos deserve to be seen daily – in physical form; I can’t wait to show you how gorgeous your own senior album will be!

Plan Your Extracurricular Activities

Senior year is your last chance to shine in sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities. Whether you’re aiming for a leadership role or just want to try something new, now is the time to plan and commit.

Organize Your Senior Year Calendar

Grab a planner or use an app to keep track of all the important dates—tests, project deadlines, college application dates, and, of course, your senior portrait session. Staying organized will save you a lot of stress down the line.

Consider a Part-Time Job or Internship

If you’re thinking about getting a part-time job or internship, start looking now. Not only will this give you some extra cash and experience, but it will also look great on college applications.  You might also need service hours (they also look good on college applications), so do some research on organizations you would love to volunteer at. My daughter volunteered at Best Friends LA, an animal shelter, and got to work with kittens.

Plan Your Senior Year Wardrobe

You’ll want to look and feel your best all year long. Start thinking about your wardrobe for senior year, especially for your senior portraits. Let’s face it, Back to School Hauls are so fun to watch (even though I am a mom I am obsessed with these on TikTok lol).  If you are stressed about finding clothes for your senior pics, don’t worry – I will help you every step of the way and I even have some awesome pieces you can borrow at the studio. We’ll style them so they’re unique to YOU and your vibe.

I also love the local shop Form & Content over on Main Street here in Santa Clarita – they have the cutest stuff!!

Get Your Health Checkups Done

I know this is not a fun one, but schedule any necessary health checkups before school starts. This includes physicals for sports, dental cleanings, and any other appointments you might need because appointments can be hard to get the longer you wait and you will need these!  (I was scrambling my son’s senior year).

Review Your Senior Year Goals

Take some time to think about what you want to achieve during your senior year. Whether it’s grades, making the varsity team, or getting into your dream college, setting goals now will help you stay focused.  I’m also a certified life coach, so trust me when I say these things WORK, but you do need to put in some action.

Set your goals but then, take some time to actually FEEL what it will feel like to achieve them – embody it. Words alone don’t work; you need to feel it in your body and actually allow yourself to BE in that energy. The more you do this, the faster you get what you want! Don’t let anyone keep you thinking small; anything is truly possible – you will find proof of whatever you are looking for (and that is determined by what you think, feel and believe.).

Make a choice to look for what IS possible for you!

Savor the Sentimental “Lasts”

Before summer ends, take a moment to enjoy some sentimental “lasts.” Have a last summer barbecue with friends, visit your favorite childhood spots, or plan a day out with your family. These moments are priceless and will be treasured memories as you move forward into your senior year and beyond.

If you are headed out of California for college, spend a lot of time at the beach! I know it may seem like no big deal to you now, but once you move away, you will miss it I promise. My son lives in Boston now for college and boy does he miss our weather lol!

Oh and take lots of pics, obviously!

Ready to Book Your Senior Portrait Session?

Don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your senior portraits. Fall dates are filling up fast, and you don’t want to miss out on the best dates. Contact me today to book your session and ensure you have amazing photos to look back on. Your senior pics should be a big deal because YOU are a big deal!

Senior year is a whirlwind of excitement and change. By checking off these 10 must-dos, you’ll be setting yourself up for a successful and memorable year. Parents and teens, let’s make this senior year the best one yet!

girl in red skirt white top outdoor senior session renee bowen

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